Nov 28, 2010
These are only examples article post
Being in love is the connection u have with someone and feeling the same way they do. u would't have a problem fussing and fighting with them at times because you love them.
what is true love? This is the question that haunts our everyday being. well, my friend, you certainly are in luck. For I have the intangible answer.. -love is devoting your God given LIFE to a person who
In my eyes.... why should it matter? I'm happy for the time being. Why should I tire myself with those bothersome questions if it is "true"-truth is in the eye of the beholder.
life is a constant wave of change, accept it all as it comes, for it can never be stopped.
Love is Change-I have found happiness because i have embraced that change, that change has taken me many places i never thought possible. the past now dwells in it's rightful home, the past. never to live again..
love is finding the beauty in one's self, and finding another to embrace it. No matter how strange one's beauty may be.

love is learning to see the beauty in everything.
Good is walking away when she comes up pregnant with someone's else kid; love is staying long enough to carry her through the miscarriage.
Good is heading for the door when he tells you he's been with other people while you were dating; love makes you pray for him.
Good is realizing it just won't work and calling it quits; love makes you stay friends.
Love is caring about somebody just as they are, how they were before, and as they will be in the future. Love and sex are different. Also, its probably a good idea to decide what you think love is yourself, and have a mind of your own. :3

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